Macro Investing in an Inflationary Environment

Date10 Déc 2021
Temps13:00 - 16:00
Prof. Francesco Franzoni, SFI Senior Chair, Università della Svizzera italiana
Dr. Francesco Mandalà,

Current Situation

The long-neglected specter of inflation is once again coming to the attention of financial markets. The central banks are, however, reacting to it rather hesitantly. Nevertheless, it must be assumed that interest rates will rise again in the medium term. This will be accompanied by a foreseeable end to the current negative interest rate regime. The associated macroeconomic effects on all asset classes pose major challenges for wise, balanced asset allocation. How can portfolios be effectively hedged against inflation risk? How does a changed economic environment affect values of bonds and equities and how should these asset classes be weighted in a client portfolio?



These and other pressing questions are addressed in the Master Class "Macro Investment." In addition to a well-founded introduction to the topic, various market scenarios are taken into account to highlight effective investment strategies and concepts within the framework of macro-based tactical asset allocation, which will then be debated in the context of group work.

Target Audience

The Master Class is aimed at professionals from the financial industry who work in asset and wealth management or risk management. The format is a combination of lectures, discussions, and group problem solving.


SAQ Recertification

This SFI Master Class is an acknowledged SAQ recertification measure for CWMA, CCoB, Affluent-, SME-, and Individual Client Advisor profiles and comprises four learning hours (4 credits).

Register here if you are attending your first SFI Master Class